[Featured Creator] - Meet Ryan Delk
23 Jul 2020

Meet Ryan Delk
Today’s featured creator is Ryan Delk. And before we get into it, check out how
BEAUTIFUL his lawn is!
That is some awesome bermuda Ryan!
In his video he shows you step by step how to take a soil test using the Yard Mastery Soil Test Kit. We recommend soil testing at least one time every 2-3 years (more often if you are a real nut) but be sure that you have not applied any fertilizer to your lawn for at least 45 days prior.
We know that many of you are not fertilizing right now due to the heat, or some of you are brand new here and you are looking to set a good baseline so you can start treatments back up in the fall time. Getting a soil test is a great way to learn what’s currently available in your soil so you can move ahead properly in when cooler temps prevail.
If you have a warm season lawn like Ryan’s bermuda, or maybe Zoysia, St Augustine, centipede or bahia, now is the perfect time to get a soil test to determine where you sit, so you can start making progress right now in summer when your lawn is in peak growing conditions. Test results come back in our online portal within a week so you won’t have to wait long after you mail it in!
Pick up a soil test kit today.