Featured Product - Hydretain

What does Hydretain do?
Hydretain is a pretty incredible product that can help you save a ton on your water bills and keep your lawn green during periods of high heat.
Which is especially important as we hit peak summer.
What it does is draw humidity out of the air and bring that water down into your grass root system!
Now what that means is that because you’re getting water sucked into the roots from the air, you can significantly reduce your watering schedule on your lawn!
Hydretain is one of those secret ingredients that golf courses, towns, and municipalities use to save on their water bills!
So why can't us DIYers save too?
How do you apply Hydretain?
First off, we have both a granular (3lb or 15lb) and a liquid option (1 gal jug or quart with a hose-end sprayer).
You can use it to spot spray on dry spots but you can also blanket spray or apply granular over the entire lawn.
The app rate for liquid is 6-9 oz/1,000 sq ft and for granular is 2.5-3 lbs/1,000 sq ft.
So the 3 lb bag will cover just about 1,000 sq ft and the 15 lb bag will cover about 5,000 sq ft.
At an app rate of 6 oz/1,000 sq ft the gallon jug will cover ~20,000 sq ft and the quart with a hose-end sprayer will cover just over 5,000 sq ft.
The liquid must be watered in immediately - within minutes but gets to the soil quicker. If you don’t water it into the roots, it will just stick to the blades of the grass and won’t work.
The granular can be watered in within 24 hours and smells like success! Water in with a full 1/2” of water.
This product will not burn your lawn so it’s a great one to learn your spreader settings with. We recommend a setting of 5.5 on a Scotts EdgeGuard spreader.
If you're skeptical (which is fine for products you're unfamiliar with) let me show you some results other DIYers were having as we got into the dry season last summer!
If you test out a small area of your lawn with the 3 lb bag, you can see for yourself!
Price includes Shipping To Your Door!